On December 2, 2018 the initiative for founding the Libertarian Party of Ukraine was started. We invite all people of good will who share the libertarian ideas, our values and are supportive of our platform to join the initiative group.
To all like-minded people: Let’s join our efforts, for who else could make Ukraine a better place if not us?
According to the law, only registered political parties are allowed in Ukraine. That’s why our first milestone is the registration of the party. For that we need:
- Have at least 100 persons in the initiative group. If you share our values, principles and views, please join us! [Application form in Ukrainian only]
- Gather 10,000 signatures in 2/3 districts of 2/3 regions of Ukraine. That’s a huge task, and we will require help! Those who sign for us do not need to join the party, support it or vote for it. It is simply a matter of providing your support to the political diversity in Ukraine. Your signature for creating our party is your contribution to the development of civil society in Ukraine! Please leave your contact if we can count on your signature!
- When we are close to the finish line, we will need to raise funds for the state registration of the party, and it costs 140 minimal life allowances (246.7 thousand UAH), the overheads, and the funds for conducting the foundation meeting. That’s why we will require donations.
In the meantime, our group will work on drafts of the organizational and program documents, statements, drafts of laws and regulations, and you can also join us in doing it! [Application form in Ukrainian only]